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Breed Standard

A breed standard is the guideline which describes the ideal characteristics, temperament, and appearance of a breed and ensures that the breed is fit for function with soundness essential. Breeders and judges should at all times be mindful of features which could be detrimental in any way to the health, welfare or soundness of this breed.

The Australian Cobberdog breed standard below from the official breed standard as listed by the Master Dog Breeders & Associates.

General Impression

A gracefully athletic and balanced dog, free of exaggeration, with a luxurious non-shedding, odourless coat. They are generally recognized by furnishings with the “groomed look” a fresh rounded appearance rather than droopy.  Their innate desire and aptitude for training, is expressed through their sociable, joyful and friendly nature. They have a desire for close human companionship and an instinct to seek intimate eye to eye contact


​Even tempered, trusting, happy, loyal, confident and sociable, eager to please, observant, and adapts well to new situations and environments. Easily trained but can appear to be stubborn when confused. Full of vitality, energy and playfulness with clown like behaviour when free but subdued and gentle when handled. Has the ability to make the humans in its life feel that it has a unique intuition, a mutual connection and that it can display an appropriate response to their emotional and physical needs. The Australian Cobberdog is easy to live with, an ideal family member and an excellent emotional support companion for those with special needs.


​The Australian Cobberdog is a breed in development and the sizes can be inconsistent. It is difficult at this time for even the most experienced breeder to accurately predict the size a puppy will grow to.


Over 33 cm and No Taller than 42 cm


Over 42 cm and No Taller than 51 cm


Over 51 cm and No Taller than 61 cm

The Body

Free from exaggerations.  Top line should remain level with strong loin and slightly sloping croup. Ribs should be well sprung but not barrelled. Overall the dog should appear square, balanced, athletic, and with good muscling. Tuck up is sufficient to enable the hind legs to reach well forward beneath the body when gaiting.  The croup only slightly tapers to the set on of tail.


Shoulders should have good angulation with firm elbows held close to the rib cage. Chest neither broad nor narrow, with brisket level with the point of elbow.  Angulation of the shoulders is symmetrical to that of the femur and tibia bones in the hindquarters, with sufficient slope to allow maximum extension of the front limbs when trotting. The point of shoulder is in line with the pro sternum. Upper arms are evenly muscled, with elbows neither pinched into the sides nor protruding. Front legs are parallel to one another and straight to the ground with no deviation whether viewed from the front or the side. Cannons are strong and straight and only slightly longer than the pasterns.


Compact, either round or oval, with thick pads, well arched toes and short strong nails. Dewclaws are permitted on the front feet.


​Medium angulation with strong hocks. Angulation of the femur and tibia bones is symmetrical to that of the scapula and humerus bones in the shoulders with sufficient slope to allow a long reaching propelling stride from the hind feet, which commences well forward beneath the body of the dog.


Upper thighs are broad, tapering only slightly into the second thigh. When viewed from the rear, the thighs are in a direct line behind the forearms of the front legs and are free of bowing or curvature.


​Length is similar to that between point of elbow and pastern joint on the forequarters with sufficient angulation to smoothly transmit impulsion from the rear of the dog through to the front limbs.


Close to the same length as the pasterns on the forequarters. Hocks are parallel to one another and straight to the ground when viewed from the rear or the side.


​The tail should be plumed and sabre shaped. It should follow the top line when at rest. The last two thirds may be above the dog’s back when excited or in movement but should not curl completely over the back. Tip should not touch the back nor curl upon itself.

Feet (Hind)

Compact with thick pads, well arched toes and short strong nails. No dewclaws on hind feet


Elegant, with firm skin and a gentle arch. Neither long nor short.  Flows naturally into the withers on the top, and down into the point of sternum on the underside without the appearance of being ‘stuck on’.


​Slightly square, free from exaggerations and in proportion to the size of the dog. Length from tip of nose to the inner corner of the eyes only slightly shorter than from the inner corner of the eyes to the point of the occiput. Nasal bones are broad and flat, with frontal bones a similar width to the side bones which have flat muscling giving a sculptured appearance. Skull gently rounded and of similar width to the frontal bones of the face with furnishings.


Blunt but well defined with a very slightly indented brow between the eyes.


A distinct feature. Expression of the eyes is open, gentle, soulful, confident, and friendly with a sparkle of fun. Preferred shape is oval, with long sweeping eyelashes and set well apart but not to the extreme side of the head. Expression and seeking intimate contact with human eyes is more important than exact shape.


More broad than narrow, but not to excess. Lips firmly fitting and rims lined with unbroken pigment.


Scissor bite


A Distinct Feature. Noticeably large and fleshy with open nostrils and rich unbroken pigment. Broken pigment is non-desirable.


Drop ears with long silky furnishings and a slightly elevated set-on at the base, which is even with or only slightly above the outside corner of the eyes. Leather fine and pliable, with its tip at least mid-way down the face, when gently drawn forward should reach the top canine tooth but not extending below the nose.  Furnishings may extend below this point. Ear canals free from thick hair and of an average width rather than narrow. When inquisitive and alert the ear set should rise to the top of the head. Ear leather reaching beyond the tip of nose is considered a severe fault.


As the genetic values stabilize the ideal is soft, luxurious and smooth textured wavy or curly fleece, single coat [no undercoat]. Very low to no shedding with very low to no odour. Visual wavy coat with furnishings most preferred.

A dense rough feeling wool coat and a flat coat with no furnishings are highly undesirable


All colours are acceptable. Pigment should be solid. Butterfly or Parti Nose not desirable.


This breed’s movement is characterised by a joyous bearing, with a light footed, airy and tireless, long reaching and effortless stride that appears to float above the ground and to be going somewhere with purpose.

The full trot is a true two-time action with no sign of ambling or pacing and the hocks do not wobble or bump together when viewed from the rear but move directly forward in line with the front legs.

Seen from the side, in a trot or a gallop the topline remains level with a minimum of up and down movement and the head and neck are extended rather than being unduly raised. Each of the four legs steps forward long and low without dishing or plaiting.

Prancing mincing or high stepping are non-desirable.


Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded must be taken in consideration of its potential impact and effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and the breed. Consideration must also be given to the dog’s ability to carry out the functions for which the breed is intended.

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